Festival Info.

Sunday, March 14, 2010
7th Grade Festival is this Thursday, March 18th at Lovinggood Midlde School. 
All students need to bring their concert attire (black pants, white dress shirt, black tie, black socks, black belt, and black dress shoes) to school Thursday because all students are required to stay afterschool in prepartion for the festival.

Students will eat in the cafeteria afterschool if they paid their $5 for pizza.  We will leave Awtrey at approximately 5:15 and arrive at Lovinggood by 6pm.  All Full Symphony students will watch the Awtrey 8th Grade performance and then proceed to the cafeteria until their performance time arrives. 
The 4th period 7th grade Festival schedule goes as follows:
  1. 6:20--Warm-Up
  2. 6:40--Performance in the Theatre
  3. 7:00--Sight-Reading
Once 4th period students have finished their portion of the Festival process, they may leave with a parent when they check out with MC first. Any student that leaves without FIRST checking out with MC will receive disciplinary consequences.

The 5th period 7th grade schedule goes as follows:
  1. 7:40--Warm-Up
  2. 8:00--Performance
  3. 8:20--Sight-Reading
We should arrive back to Awtrey no later than 9:30pm for all students riding the bus back to school. 


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