Monday: Students will be working on Prelude from measure 13 to the end with a focus on rhythm and balance. Students need to listen to the recording on the blog regularly and try to imitate the tone/ sound of the professional orchestra. We will also work on dynamics and uniform articulations in Eastside Boogaloo especially from 63 to the end.
Students will be working on Queen of Sheba from 33 to the end with special emphasis on measures 73 to the end. Students need to practice the slurs using a fast bow while keeping their fingers moving. Students need to also focus on play C natural (low 2) on the A string so that we have PERFECT intonation for this piece. Lastly students will work on Stringtown Stroll especially the cello melody and balance at measure 19 during Preston's solo.
Tuesday: All classes will focus on sight-reading techniques along with Prelude and Queen of Sheba.
Wednesday and Thursday: All classes will be in the theatre working on Festival music in preparation for the Pre-Festival concert Thursday at 7pm in the Awtrey Theatre.
Friday: Students will listen and reflect on Thursdays concert. We will also continue working on sight-reading techniques.
Learning Goals
- Students will play with perfect intonation
- Students will apply sight-reading techniques to Grade II music and perform with good intonation and rhythm
- Students will use dynamics and articulation as a means of expression within their music
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