EQ: How do rhythm, melody, and style work together to create diversity in music

Monday, January 11, 2010
Monday:  Daily Warm-up, dynamic contrast introduction, sight-read and pass out Midnight Tango/ Entrance to the Queen of Sheba and Goin to Boston Intro.

Tuesday:  Daily Warm-up, Rhythmic Dictation, Shifting exercises, dynamic contrast within the a minor scale, and continue working on Midnight Tango with special focus on
Violins- the first 8 measures:  articulations (accents) and intonation (low 2 on D, A, and E)
Viola/ Cello- measure 9-16:  articulations (accents), intonation, and fluid bow movements.

Entrance to the Queen of Sheba with a special focus on:
Violins- the first 25 measures: intonation and rhythm
Viola/ Cello/ Bass- How do you support the melody?  Make sure you have short bow strokes and that you follow the contour of the line.

Continue working on Goin to Boston melody for rhythmic accuracy and intonation---if you can say the rhythm then you can play the rhythm.

Wednesday:  Daily Warm-up, Listening Log, Shifting/ Vibrato exercises, a minor scale with dynamic contrasts.
Midnight Tango:  focus on melody parts---identify your melody and apply the appropriate articulation and style.

Continue work from yesterday on Goin to Boston Intro and Queen of Sheba

Thursday:  Daily Warm-up, Minor Scale creation introduction, Rhythmic Dictation, and continue work from Tuesday and Wednesday.  Students will be graded by section on their ability to create extreme dynamic contrasts.

Friday:  Test on Midnight Tango and Goin to Boston.  Practice sight-reading techniques after the test.

Learning Goals
1.  Students will continue learning how to tune their instrument
2.  Students will learn how to identify and notate rhythms aurally
3.  Students will learn proper shifting techniques
4.  Students will learn how to create a minor scale
5.  Students will apply techniques from warm-ups to their music


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